PAX HERBAL - Stay Healthy
Bringing hope and Changing lives
Stay Organic - Pax Herbal Products
Place order for any of our Herbal Products:
- Honey: Contains an ample amount of Nutrients, Enzymes and Carbohydrates. Has natural vital energy good for General Health, can be added to all herbal preparations. Take two dessertspoons honey daily.
- Logotine: Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscular Pains, Menstrual Pains, chest pains, sickle cell anaemia.
- Potensine: Powered herbs for Weak Erection in men, increase Libido in both men and women.
- Centrine Caps: Same as Potensine.
- Herbal Tea Bag: Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis, Prostritis, Insomnia, Malaria, Fever and for General Health.
- Salmoline: Typhoid Fever, Kidney Problems, Liver Problems, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, General Weakness of the Body, Menstrual Pain, Obesity, Jaundice/Hepatitis, Stone in Kidney and the Gall Bladder.
- Malsole: Malaria Fever, General Body Pains, Migraine Headache.
- Diarth: Diabetes, Acute Rheumatism, Waist Pains, Obesity.
- Pile Solution: Pile and Dysentery.
- Black Powder: An Herbal Anti-Biotic for all forms of infections. Relief for food poison, constipation and for general health.
- Black Stone: Snake Bite, Scorpion Bite and the Bite of any Poisonous Insect.
- Draw Solution: Low sperm count, premature ejaculation, anovulation, sterility and for any reproductive problem.
- Fibroid Solution: Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, endometrioses.
- Formular B: Hypertension, Diabetes, Insomnia and Viral Infections, Rich in Calcium.
- Asthma Powder: Asthma and Bronchitis.
- Cough Syrup: Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia.
- Bitters: A Healthy Tonic for all Condition, recommended for everybody.
- Natural Oil: To be blessed for anointing, useful for experiences of nightmares, bad dreams, fear of the night, convulsion, epilepsy.
- Noma Solution: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Allergenic, Keratolic Action, Anti-Biotic Action, Anti-Vital Activity, Cell generator, Cancer, Energizer, Digestive Detoxification, Nutritional, Dilates Blood Vessels, Great Vehicle for Transportaion.
- SP Solution: For increase in Libido / Sexual urge.
- WT: Resistant Hypertension, Asthma.
- SBS: Special Soap for Spiritual Attack.
- H. B. Solution: For Hypertension.
- E. P. I.: Epilepsy and Convulsion.
- CCH: An Herbal Antibiotic for all forms of Inspection.
- Life Solution: Immune Booster, Skin Rashes.
- Herbal Soap: Eczema, Pimples, Rashes, Black Spots, Wrinkles and for General Cleansing / Toning of the Body.
- Skin Ointment: Eczema, Pimples, Rashes, Scabies and all other forms of Skin infections.
- Pain Cream: For the Relief of Rheumatic Pains and Aches.
- Ferma: Dissolves any kind of tumor in any part of the body, prostate Cancer, Fibroids.
- Formular E: For STDs, Hypertension, Diabetes, General Body Cleansing and Resuscitation of the Organs.
- Mistletoe: Hypertension, Heart Problems, Insomnia, Arthritis, Infertility, Cancer, Diabetes and for General Health.
- Herbal Cleanser: A soap that Relaxes Muscles, Calm the Mind, Promotes Sleep and Cleanses both mind and body. Clear skin rashes, Smoothens Rough Skin, Repairs Chemically Damaged Skins, Clears Pimples, Removes Black Spots and other Skin abnormalities.
- Averon: Cancer, Tumors, Anovolation, Cleansing of the Womb, Immune Booster.
- Physol: For the Treatment of Resistant Malaria, Typhoid, Kidney Stones, Liver Problems, Hepatitis and Hypertension.
- TMT Solution: For the Treatment of Tumors, Fibroids Growths, Cancer and Prostrate Enlargement. Serves as Multivitamin.
- Formular G: For low Libido, Fatigue and Fever.
- Legotine Cap: Same work as logotine solution.
- Natural Calcium: Source of Calcium for bone Problems, Pregnant Women, Dislocation and For Sicklers. Highly recommended for elderly people.
- Coloured Oil: For Healing of all kinds of illness – Colour Therapy.
- FAG Caps: For Resistant Arthritis.
- WEM: Eyedrop for eye problems like Glaucoma and Cataract.
- TTRW: For Asthma and congested Cough.
- Solution SI: For Weight Loss.
- Flavoursol: Hernia, Appendicitis, Spleen.
- Nomaline: For Cancer Dissolves Tumors.
- Wave Line: For Asthma, Epilepsy, Brain Wave or any kind of Circulatory Problems.
- BK Caps: Hepatitis, Jaundice & Liver Problems not good for BP Patients.
- Herbal Tea: Same as tea Bag.
- Malatreat: For Malaria Prevention.
- Books: Assorted Nature Cure Books.