Welcome to Health Empowerment Africa Initiative (HEAI)
Providing holistic approach to a sustainable Human Development & Empowerment
HEAI is a digital age non profit organization providing holistic approach aimed at liveraging on human and material resources to improve and enhance the standard of living of Sub Saharan Africans and Africans in the diaspora ranging from free literacy education through empowerment of out of school youths, pregnant teens, widows, to wellness of the elderly, integration of African culture, tradition, ethics and annual carnivals.
Literacy as we all know is a fundamental human right. It is the only thing that can positively change everything (Mandela, 2002). Literacy is about the acquisition and use of reading, writing and numeracy skills whose products is the development of active citizenship, improved health, self esteem, enhanced livelihood and gender equality (Global Campaign for Education, 2006). Literacy indeed, is that asset left to an individual when every other asset is lost.
Mission & Vision
Promoting free literacy education for every child including out of school reintegration as-well-as empowerment for youths, widows and the elderly. In sub-saharan Africa, researchers have shown that illiteracy with its associates: disease, poverty, voicelessness, deprivation, militancy, terrorism and political thuggery, remain with us, if the world does not address it. The situation in Africa, in Nigeria in particular, is depressing. It calls for digital age approach, for example, literacy rate for men and women in Nigeria, who can read and write in any Nigerian language in 2004 were 39.83% and 50.38% respectively.
In 2005, there was a slight increase in Adult literacy rate, with 68.2% for men and 49.1% for women while the overall national adult literacy was 58.08% (National Commission for Mass Literacy) non formal and Adult education Commission, 2008). Sadly, a large population of out of school children is shown on this chart.
We organise and schedule free literacy classes three times in a week in all HEAI centers while Vocational Skill acquisition holds two times a week.
Through the Union of adult education, literacy and continuing education managers, adult education is taught in the market place, local government areas, places of worship, etc. The center managers meet quarterly to:
Relate effectively with other stakeholders in the literacy programmes.
Ensure regular capacity building, workshops and seminars for facilitators and learners.
Integrate and harmonise the activities of the centers based on needs.
Have a strong body as a grassroot approach for educating the learners.
In these centers, the curriculum of the National Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult non-formal Education (NMEC) is used in the centers. Other need based literature texts are also used. At the end of the year, the learners attend an annual competition organised by the state agency of NMEC. Here, successful learners win priizes ranging from cash to household electrical appliances.
In addition, a certificate of basic literacy or post – literacy according to learner’s qualification is presented to them. Subsequently, graduands of post-literacy are enrolled in NAPTEB (National Technical Education Board), whilst some with greater skills enroll for the General Certificate of Education (GCE), which is the basic requirement for entering into tertiary institutions. However, scholarship is awarded to indigent learners to enable them further their education.
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A Podcast on "Healthy Lifestyle Drives Away ill Health" by Prof. Abakporo Joy Ebere on 10th February, 2017
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